Thursday, August 19, 2010

Slow your role!

  • Recently, My life has been going in circles. Trying to figure out who I really am. Having mixed thoughts, emotions and things of that nature; yet try to make it day by day. You know, when you're into somebody it's like you can almost feel a tingling sensation that roams inside your body. Which in fact, a marvelous feeling one can truly describe. Lately I haven't been myself; just give me a minute and im sure I shall be back into place. Right now life is at it's peak. Trying to figure out what is best for me. I know what I want, And if you ask me.... im ready! ;) and you know what? sometimes I feel like im beating around the bush and as Ms. J once said to me: "a closed mouth never gets fed" and it's true! and If only you knew how this feeling is becoming something that's impossible to ignore. It is time for me to step up my game!

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