Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year! :D
yeyyy my first blog of '09 . . Anyway, I had a blast tonight! hung out with my fam at some sord of 80's Era theme party. Then got car sick and called it a night with my fiancee, six and liz. OOh yeah by the way,He proposed to me! ahahh that bastard! so im engaged. wow! what a good night to start a year huh? ahah siiikkee! I ain't marrying anyone until im Settled. lol but it was my chrisssyyy booobooo lol we were just joking. haha anyway I rested at home since I was feeling like shit! pardon my french. However, Later on, I went to steph's house. Driving all shitty, feeling nauseous but managed my way up there. I hung out with all my peeeps! Kol, Tony and I were the only sober ones! ahah while everyone else was towwweddd upP! haah. it's cool though I was looking out for 'em. In conclusion, I did received  my first kiss (of the year) :D ahha. BTW I love you louie!! That's my niggggaaaa!!! I told him that we better hang out more often this year. & so he said yes! I mean it's not like we don't keep in touch, just that he lives far and it's a biaaa trying to go to his house. lol I love him a lot that's the guy that's been there for me since day 1 aka 9th grade don't huuuuuuuuuush. hahaa WOW bayyybeee! pardon my colloquial writing haha. Im just too tired and wayy to early to be up! lol I can't function well! ahha I Couldn't actually wait for later in the afternoon to post up my very first blog. ahha goodnight and good morning America!
PS:MAGGIANOS? ;] He owes me:D

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