Monday, December 15, 2008

Im backkkk :D

Wow! it has been quite a long time since I actually sit and blog about my interesting life. haha I just love being sarcastic! Well as today I can truly say that my final was a bit hard. I had my Law & English final. Although it was hard for me to wake up super early to get to school! So there, i made it through the cloudy day, not to mention a perfect time to cuddle :D I just love the sound of rain that clashes onto the concrete<3. Work so far is going along great. I had to prepare for tomorrow's trial. After work I headed home and rested with bby, while making me laugh she's a goofball. THE best sis you can ever ask for. After that I hung out with a friend and had dinner "In N Out" haha and stopped at Sam Ash for a Sabian shirt which I had to order! i also met Yellow card's drummer. Like nothing playing the drums at the store [which he visits daily] and met this sick ass dude that worked there ;] However, This year has been amazing, blessing, and finally getting my act together. I learned how to manage my money, school, work, all together Merci Beaucoup! My main goal for this last year of two thousand and eight is to go to the musical play in Hollywood,Wicked, the book which I haven't finished! I said to myself "im going to the play after I finish reading it" and so, here I am waiting on the year to end! watching the play first while catching up on the book. I officially suckatlife. LoL so, I am going to start blogging again since I was caught up with my busy life! yes america I dnt have time for people's bullshit! Therefore, while I await for the right guy, im having a blast with the wrong ones;] goodnight America & fellow blog lurkers ahha suckkkaaaaaaa

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