Thursday night, just grandma and i were sitting in the porch telling the most funniest jokes! Which builds up such good self-esteem :D anyhow, a friend and i had plans on heading out to Signal Hill, Long Beach for those of you who do not recall it's a view to die for! hehe. As i was leaving my grandmas liz was like "oooh ur going to the view" saying enthusiastically . I respond "yeah with a friend, why"? She said " can i goooo" so her being the third wheeler hahah just kidding. we took our aunt who came to visit the U.S of Motha&%$#@! Aye! ahha. As i was saying, so we get there security was blocking the entrance and said "parks closed" i was very disappointed! but hey i ended the night with a Cherry on top :D I went to a cute late night snack-a-roooo at
I wasn't really hungry but ate strawberries with whipped cream and a nice cup of hot chocolate. I Kinda found this idea cute. haah from Long Beach to Westwood! aka future Bruin!! <~~No Doubt! I really like hanging out with this kid. He's Chill, although eating tomatoes and sprout is disgusting! haha not to mention finishing the whoole Heinz ketchup bottle ahha. Tonight, was a good night.goodnight good morning Kidddooohs :D
Ps: Love Me<3
Being the first of the month isn't quite bad ;D it was a good start haha
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